Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun with Uncle Brent

My sister and her husband came for a visit this weekend. Katherine absolutely adores them and this is a video of her and Brent playing some sort of weird toddler game that Katherine calls "Doink." On a side note, Katherine voluntarily sat on the potty TWICE and without a diaper while they were here. Still no pee though.......

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Halfway-through-the-year Resolution

Lately I have been feeling kind of unhappy with my appearance. I never really worried about what I looked like until after Katherine was born. I gained a few pounds after she was born and then I gained a few more and a few more. Now, I have a distinctive "muffin top" when I wear certain clingy shirts and I feel generally bloopy.

Several months ago, I decided I would quit eating junk food of any kind and that would help me get back to where I was 3-ish years ago. Ha ha.....that so did not work. Because I was restricting myself, I wanted the junk food that much more and many packages of Oreos disappeared as a result. I should have known that it is impossible for me to survive without some sort of refined sugar every day. Anyway, this led to the purchase of a recumbent bike last week and now is part of our overly-crowded bedroom decor.

For the last week and a half I have been "biking" every day--except Sunday--for about 20 minutes. "Biking" is in quotes because real biking involves the outdoors and moving along the ground. I do not pretend to be involved in any sort of sport here, just an attempt to avoid high cholesterol, high blood pressure and big pants. The 20 minutes is because that is the approximate length of an episode of Scrubs or the Simpsons or some other sitcom that I check out from the library and watch while I "bike."

It's oddly fun. I get to be gross and sweaty in my own house, so no one else is burdened with my stinky moistness. I get to pedal this thing and watch the calories add up on the little computer dealie, like some sort of weird game. Just 5 more minutes and I get 200 points! Woo! I get to catch up on old shows I never watched when they were on. Incidentally, King of Queens is actually funny. Go figure.

So, I am sharing this with you all so that I have some sort of accountability. I have a bad habit of not starting good habits very easily. There was one time that I wanted to get into jogging, which lasted all of three days. Now, I am posting my attempts at physical fitness for all the cyber-world to see and I have invested some money on this bike. Hopefully these two things will keep me going so that I don't end up with a very expensive clothing rack that looks suspiciously like exercise equipment in the bedroom. So, if you know me and trust that I won't punch you if you examine my midsection, please feel free to ask me (or Casey, since he's doing this too, but he doesn't have a blog) how it's going. But please none of that Pillsbury Doughboy tummy poking. I seriously will punch you.