Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Team XY Has a New Player

Well folks, it looks like Katherine is going to have a brand new baby brother. Casey finally has someone on his team. The poor guy was outnumbered three to one. Even the cat's a girl. And to prove it, here are some photos of the pictures they gave me. No "boy" shots though. I can't embarrass my son with naked baby pictures even before he's born. So here's a profile (kind of....more like a 45 degree angle)

and a foot (those toes look like mine incidentally...aren't they pretty?)

and one of me that I took this morning looking nice and pregnant (this is Week 23 by the way).


  1. Congrats on balancing the gender game ;-) I'm excited for you!

  2. yay!!! I'm so glad you took a picture of yourself!!! I have been dying to see! You look great btw!! And still so tiny!!!

    and boys are fun! crazy, but fun!
