Monday, February 01, 2010

Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again

Pregnancy Brain is one of my least favorite parts about being pregnant. Not only am I already overly-emotional (thanks hormones), but now I'm a flake, too. I miss appointments, forget to call people and space out on things I have to do, like yesterday when Katherine went to church having done her own hair because I just forgot. But last night I outdid myself.

I decided to make snickerdoodles. After I made the dough, I put it in the fridge for an hour, like the recipe said. But an hour and a half later, the dough was still really sticky. It was getting late so I just did my best and rolled the sticky dough blobs in the cinnamon sugar and baked them anyway.

This was the outcome

Yep, those are my snickerdoodles. They completely melted in the oven and I couldn't get them off the cookie sheet. Casey and I examined the recipe and figured out that I had added 2 sticks of butter instead of just one. Whoops! But the good news is, my ugly duckling cookies still taste ok.

I miss my brain!


  1. hahaha you crack me upl! I'm sure they do taste good with an extra stick of butta! yummo!

  2. I'm with ya. It's not very conducive to successfully accomplishing day-to-day activities is it? Not that I'm normally all that organized anyway, but sheesh pb makes it so much worse.
