Friday, January 14, 2011

Playing Catch-up

We've been in our new (and.....oh let's say "Quirky") apartment for about a month and a half.  I have successfully survived Thanksgiving, Christmas and unpacking.  So, now it's time to do all the other stuff I've been meaning to do, including update ye olde bloge.

If you're not into looking at pictures of other people's kids who are probably not as awesome as they claim they are, you can go ahead and skip pretty much this whole thing (except this time, you'd be wrong because MY children are at least twice as awesome as I let on).

Back before we moved we took a little trip to visit some of Casey's family.  We ended the weekend with a birthday gathering (I say gathering because there were no hats....It's not a party unless there are hats.  There are also no other sugared-up four year-olds, which is also a requirement.)  at Great Grandma's house for Miss Katherine who is now a whopping four years old!  Here we have a selection of photos from that momentous occasion. 
 The drive was a little long for Katherine.   That wood thing is an extremely beautiful chess board Casey's brother gave him, but you're looking at the bottom.

I don't want to bore you with all the presents that she got, so I'm just putting in the important ones:  The Grandma presents!  Casey's Mom gave Katherine the embroidered pillow which Katherine now sleeps with every night.

 My mom gave Katherine this one.  Strawberry Shortcake is now best friends with tiny Cinderella and tiny Sleeping Beauty.

Birthday girl decided I wasn't taking enough pictures, I guess, so she took this one of me.

 And this one....

and this lovely self-portrait.

Oh, and this is a still life of Great Grandma's ceiling.

Casey's mom and dad were here, but they had to leave early, so they missed out on the whole family picture.  And I am a complete moron because I didn't take any photos of them while we were there.  I'm just so used to seeing them whenever we want that I didn't even think to take pictures *Smacks forehead*  So, whenever it is that we save up the money to fly all of us out there, we will be taking photos......lots of them.


Next up, Logan's first "real" food.  It's not exactly real, since no self-respecting grown-up would eat that slop, but it's a step in the right direction.  Casey said feeding Logan that first time was like applying joint compound to our recently-repaired wall.  Same shlocky texture, same procedure: apply compound/cereal, wipe away excess, apply compound/cereal, wipe.....


And now I present you with Halloween!  Casey had left for his new job by this point, so the kids and I had Halloween by ourselves.  Too bad, because I FINALLY convinced Casey to dress up this year.  He was going to be his evil twin.  Anyway.....

 Presenting Her Majesty of the Realm of the Living Room, Princess Katherine Sleeping Beauty!  She will be signing autographs in the kitchen following the evening's celebrations.

And here we have Logey the caterpillar.  Don't let his sedentary appearance throw you.  This guy can eat through a one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.


Here we are at the church's Halloween party.  That's my lame attempt at a butterfly costume.  Butterfly, caterpillar, get it?  I know!  I'm so totally clever, right?

And that brings us up to the end of October.  Tune in next time for whatever it is that I feel like posting.

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