Friday, March 05, 2010

Baby Wants Salt

I cannot seem to get enough sodium, which is completely weird for me. I am a chocoholic, so I would say that I have a sweet/fat tooth rather than a salt tooth. Normally, I have to fight the urge to snag a candy bar at the grocery store checkout. Normally, I can walk down the deli meat/cheese/chip aisle at the grocery store and just just buy meat and cheese, but no longer. It takes all the will power I have to not load up on Ranch Doritos and Salt and Vinegar Lays (just typing that is making me, I have problems). I blame this recent phenomenon on the child currently doing the backstroke inside me.

It started shortly before Christmas when I had an overpowering craving for....wait for it.....vegetable juice. Yuck, right? But I drove to the store and bought a can of V8, and let me tell you, it was the most heavenly thing I have ever tasted. They didn't have anything but the spicy variety, but I didn't care. I just chugged it down and followed it up with a bunch of Tums. Since then, I have been buying 64 oz bottles of vegetable juice and enjoying every drop. I figured I just wasn't getting enough of some vitamin, but apparently vegetable juice is quite high in salt (20% of your daily sodium allowance in ONE glass).

Then came the other salty cravings: pickles, chips, ummm, well that's it really. Pickles and chips and V8. There was even a day when Casey bought a bag of kettle chips to see what they were like and I ate half the bag (that's like 9 million percent of my sodium for the day) in one sitting. And then there were the imported Mexican chili-flavored tortilla chips that Casey found at a Mexican market...and again I completely pigged out (Tums is making a killing off of me, I swear.)

I think I'm giving myself hypertension and that I'm destined for self-induced preeclampsia (which, for those of you who don't know is a condition in pregnancy characterized by elevated blood pressure and can be harmful to you and your unborn baby). But here I am, typing away and drinking a lovely glass of vegetable juice and contemplating a pickle to go with it. I very much hope that my salty preferences will go away once Baby Brother gets here. In the mean time, my chocolate tooth is still as active as always so I am extra-avoiding the chocolate covered pretzels because I might just die.

PS: If you're thinking of getting me something for the impending birth of my son and don't have a budget that allows for toys or clothes, you can just get me some pickles or a bag of Ruffles.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the pregnant days. I think it is so funny that you are having so many cravings. V-8 juice...nasty. Whatever makes this little guy happy.
