Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Most Exciting New Gameshow

Name That Baby!!

with your host.....me!

You can win fabulous prizes and the adoration and respect of your peers if you can tell the difference between my kids at Age 3-4 months. Ready? Here we go....

Category 1: Flash Shock

Category 2: Tummy Time Turned Naptime

Category 3: Changing Pad Poses

Category 4: Nekkid Babies!

Answer: For each category Katherine was pictured first followed by Logan.

You know those families where the oldest child is the model and each subsequent child looks like a smaller version of the preceding child? Everybody knows at least one family like that. Well, I guess I have one of those families.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun Summer Recipe: Neapolitan Sunburn


1 pasty pale arm
1 tube sunblock
2 shirts with different sleeve lengths
2 weekend outings


1.) Wear the shirt with the longer sleeve and take the pasty pale arm out into the sun.
2.) Let the arm get good and sunburned.
3.) Wait two weeks till the burn fades to a righteous farmer's tan.
4.) Wear the other shirt with the shorter sleeve.
5.) Decide to avoid a second sunburn and rub the sunblock on the farmer's tan arm up to the point where the tan stops and the pasty pale skin starts.
6.) Rub sunblock over a random blotchy piece of pasty skin.
7.) Let the arm get good and sunburned again.

Voila! Neapolitan Sunburn!

Here's a better view. The straight line marks the end of the tan and the beginning of the sunburn. The circle indicates the funny blotch of pasty pale skin that didn't get burned. The photo just doesn't do it justice. In real life, it was much more dramatic.

Moral of the story: Pay attention to your sunblock application.

Monday, August 16, 2010

You Heard It Here First

Katherine was grousing about something completely unimportant the other day....

Katherine: I am whining and complaining about something that doesn't matter and I'm riding Mommy's last nerve.

Kirsten: Katherine, you are such a drama queen!

Katherine: No I'm not!!! I'm a drama princess!