Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Five Stages of Grief...I mean getting out of bed

I am not a morning person. I have a REALLY hard time getting up before about 7:30am and most of the time I'd like to sleep until 9:00. This past week Casey and Katherine and I all went to visit Grandma and Grandpa, which is an eight-hour drive (or more precisely, an eleven-hour drive if you have a two-year-old) from where we live. We were heading back here on Monday and decided to get up bright and early so we could get back as early as possible. We set the alarm for 6:00am, which my college friend Annie used to refer to as the "butt-crack" of dawn. At least I think it was Annie. I don't want to slander anyone here.

As the alarm went off and I lay there contemplating alarm clock murder, I was struck with an epiphany. When becoming involuntarily conscious we go through the 5 steps of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.

Denial: "The alarm is NOT going off. It's not there. I'm covering my head with the pillow and it will go away."

Anger: "Why do I have to get up so *&%# early?? Who's stupid idea was this?" (it was actually mine, so I had no one to blame there....poo.)

Bargaining: "Ooh! I'll just hit the snooze alarm....about 40 more times. That'll buy me more sleep."

Depression: *sad groaning noises*

Acceptance: "All right, all right! I'm up!"

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross really knew what she was talking about. It even says on Wikipedia that the five stages model is a "process by which people allegedly deal with grief and tragedy..." And to me, there is nothing more tragic than being forced out of my nice cozy bed before I'm ready.

PS: In no way am I trying to be hurtful to people who are actually going through real loss, disease, etc. I'm not that mean.


  1. Kirsten you are too funny! It was nice to see you on Sunday, even it is was only for a bit :)

  2. I love it! I abhor alarm clocks...so not my thing!! and can easily relate to those 5 stages

  3. I didn't even know you had a blog Kirsten... I found in on Ashley's blog. I agree about mornings- absolutely hate them. Check out my blog: thebusybarkerfamily.blogspot.com
